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Spreading love.

Inspiring Joy.

Ensuring success.

Celebrating 35 Years of Education


The mission of Philip’s Academy Charter School Newark (also referred to as PACS Newark) is to inspire diverse learners in a rigorous and innovative environment that cultivates resilient leadership, intellectual curiosity, and thoughtful stewardship.

Click here to view our Strategic Plan

  • Smaller class sizes provide opportunities for targeted, tailored, and organic instruction. When there are fewer children enrolled in each classroom, teachers have the capacity to implement flexible and dynamic small group instruction. This helps students and teachers to build authentic relationships thereby satisfying our expectation for students in every classroom to be known, valued, and supported by their teachers. 

  • PACS recruits, attracts, trains, and develops strong, diverse instructional and student support staff. We provide smart, useful, and relevant professional development focused on Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) goals. We have high expectations for all students and work hard to help them rise to those expectations.

  • School administrators and teachers review student performance data from Illuminate, i-Ready, curriculum-generated assessments, and exit tickets during weekly/biweekly Professional Learning Community (PLCs) meetings determined by the frequency of assessment administrations. These data reviews result in differentiated instruction, intervention groupings, and reteach plans. Additional instructional adjustments may be made based on students’ individual performance, misconceptions about what they’re learning, and personalized plans. 

  • A comprehensive program intended to address students’ social and emotional needs, ready them for college and career, and help schools to develop a strong leadership culture. The LiM process involves student, staff, and family development. It provides schools with systematic, classroom-based processes and lessons designed to increase students’ social and emotional competencies. LiM helps students develop agency and establish a voice, and acquire life and leadership skills that will enable them to thrive in an ever-changing global economy.

  • A once-weekly co-curricular program utilizing multi-dimensional learning environments to provide students with the tools and skills to lead healthy and environmentally productive lives. EcoSpaces Education is comprised of 10 unique learning environments custom-designed to inspire students to embrace the highest principles of environmental and nutritional stewardship. Through demonstrations, students develop an understanding of how food is grown, nurtured, harvested, cooked, and served. Student participation in the EcoSpaces program expands their knowledge of the importance of food for our bodies and communities.

5 things that make us special!


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It started with a goal and a dream...

Philip's was founded in 1988 by Dean Dillard Robinson of Trinity and St. Philip's Cathedral.

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Philip's Academy Compliance


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Philip's Academy Charter School HIB Information

If you or your child are dealing with harassment, bullying or intimidation at Philip’s Academy, please reach out to the following contacts: 

Ms. Nadirah Airall- HIB Anti-Bullying Specialist: (9-13 Hill St, Newark NJ 07102)

Ms. Beverly El-Amin - HIB Anti Bullying Coordinator: (342 Central Avenue, Newark NJ 07103)

Phone Number: 973-624-0644

School Climate State Coordinator:

Click here for guidance on the NJ Anti Bullying Bill of Rights Act

Click here for a copy of our current HIB policy

Most Recent HIB Grade: 72 out of 78

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